Tuesday 22 July 2014

Being alone

After having a total meltdown a few nights ago and a very very good Piece of advice from a friend I came to a conclusion; Sometimes you just have to do some things by yourself.

To explain, I am a very sociable person, I do very much enjoy the company of people but then again I also need my alone time. And that can switch from day to day, but sometimes, I have quite long periods, where I like to be by myself and then I tend to start and forget to keep in touch with my friends, nothing grave but I do tend to forget to answer to text messages and stuff like that. And then from one day to another it changes again and I want to do lots of things with my friends and thats the point where they don't have anytime for me and when I start to realize how much I have let them down and haven't had time for them, and I sometimes even go to the extent of thinking they don't like me any more...

And then came that amazing quote by my friend, we were sitting in the city just chatting, as I told her that I'd really like to go to an Art exibition in another city, about two hours away from us, but I wasn't finding anyone who'd join me. So I told her I probably wasn' t going if I didn't find anyone, because usually when I'm alone I tend to stay at home or just pop into the city quickly and then go home again. I never actually do anything much when I'm alone. And that’s when my friend told me, that she usually does stuff like Art Galleries and exhibitions alone, since you never find a person that actually has the same pace with looking at pictures as you have, and come to think of it she is oh so very right about all she just said. Because I always think I mustn’t hold my companion up whilst I take a little longer with looking at something, but if I’d have gone alone I could take all the time in the world and it wouldn’t matter one bit. After having talked about situations like these I have come to the conclusion that doing stuff alone makes you learn more about yourself, you get to know the habits you’ll make when you’re in a situation you’re not sure of what to do. And you also tend to get to know more people, because the lonely traveller or visitor always has that little bit of mystery that everyone wants to solve.

So I encourrage you and me to do more stuff on you own, I'm not saying never do anything with your friends anymore, but try and have some alone time once in a whlie...
