Thursday 17 December 2015

A new year a new me?

New year new me?
Isn't that what you usually do?
I have to admit, I was also one of the firm believers of the new years eve transformation.
but to be honest, has anyone ever properly changed on the night of the 31/12?
I genuinely have never witnessed such a thing, and I have come to the point where I don't believe in it anymore.

I have started to adapt the idea of looking back on the year and seeing how you have changed to the better, which situations, if hard or easy have made you the person you are at this moment in time?
Was it the time you spontaneously went to Paris, that made you thirsty for adventure, and happy to pay more for an experience, than just something material?

Or maybe take a look at all the new people you met this year, the great friends you met along the way, and of course all the people that have stayed by your side for another year. And all the people that maybe you crossed paths with, but lost contact again, maybe it's sad, maybe it's a good thing.

But you have to accept the situation how it is right now, and work with what you have got at this moment.

The Challenge I will set my self for the next year?
Take what you've got at this moment and make out to be the best situation you have yet been in.
And try to be the best version of yourself that you can possibly be.

Happy New Year, I know you are going to be good 2016!
love, L